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:: 11.30.2001 :: (listening to: The Beatles: Let It Be)
1943 - 2001 It was purely coincidental that I was listening to The Long and Winding Road when I read this. I don't know what to say. I typed in my Blogger password in an attempt to get here, instead of typing in "http://www.blogger.com" Hare Krishna. (9:47 AM) :: (link)
To celebrate me *finally* figuring out my digital camera, I blatently rip off the big picture and bring you the daily photo. Enjoy.
(listening to: Crushed Stars: Self Navigation)
MP3 of the week: Yes, I know this is four days late, but it's better late than never. Besides, you already have this album. Don't you? If not, you should. This is the new, improved, mature D-Plan. No more singing about floating down the Amazon on pink bras, Change adds maturity *and*
keeps their great mix of instrumentation. This may even be better than Emergency & I. Just read my review.
Drove around a cloudy Sonoma County today, low on deliveries and high on spirit, sang along with some Green Day without shame, switched opening CDs from Abbey Road to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, it's important to make the fog lift with something quality.
My mind is all clear. My Top Ten of 2001 list is coming into focus, it looks mighty, mighty pretty. No practice this week, nothing but relaxing, drinking our Olympia stubbies, and watching borrowed Mystery Science Theater 3000 tapes, petting the cat, and wearing sweatshirts around the house. This is what winter life is all about, yo.
Quid Pro Quo earns her (!).
The next day, we got stuck in Oregon because of a snowstorm. My little car just couldn't make it over Deadman's Pass, but we love it anyway.
Back home with the cat and my records and best of all, no snow. More later. Boise is rad.